Emergency Assistance – Service Provider Referral

This form captures referral information need to consider a family for ilooklikeLOVE emergency diaper assistance.

"*" indicates required fields

***If your client does not meet any of these requirements but still need inventory, they can participate in our Diaper Day events if they are WIC/SNAP eligible. Come out of this form and visit ilooklikelove.org/events for upcoming dates and locations.


Please provide your information as the referrer.
Your Name*
What is the name of your program and/or organization?
What is your position or title at the organization?


Please provide information for the client you are referring for assistance.
Client's Parental Status*
Please indicate below the child’s relationship to your client. EMERGENCY DIAPER ASSISTANCE IS ONLY AVAILABLE TO BIOLOGICAL, FOSTER, ADOPTED, PARENTS OR LEGAL GUARDIANS. Documentation of parental status (for example, copy of birth certificate, court papers, etc…) may be required from client.
Is this person currently receiving services from your program or organization?*
Documentation showing their affiliation with your program or organization may be requested.
Client Name*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Client Address of Residence (including zip code)*


If assistance is approved, your client may receive 100 diapers and other essentials per child for up to two children. Both diapers and pull-ups are available for approved emergency assistance cases only. Please provide the necessary information below to process each child’s donation.
Child Name*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Select the diaper size needed for this child.
Child Name #2 (only if applicable)
Name of the 2nd child. Do not complete if there is only one child.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Date of Birth for the 2nd child. Do not complete if there is only one child.
Select the diaper size needed for this child. Do not complete if there is only one child.


This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.